
Existential View of the World

A world without God is a painfully dismal place.

1) There is no purpose for good things or bad things. They just happen. Every event is random; there are no patterns, design, or intention. Just chaos and accident with no possibility of meaning or significance. Roll the Bones.

2) There is no one to thank for good things and no one to complain to about misfortune. There is no emotion only cold, hard, chaotic forces. No comfort, only luck of the draw.

3) There is no expectation for future justice, resolution, or positive outcome.

4) There is no hope of rest or peace, only pain suffering and death.

5) There is no deep connection possible between personalities; only temporary and pragmatic liaisons. Stark and empty aloneness awaits us all.

6) There is no truth or authority only numerous tribal traditions. Ultimately might makes right. No standard. No basis or bounds for human relationships.

7) The only virtues are self-preservation, self-empowerment, self actualization, and self-pleasure. To each his own. Even our procreation is a self serving attempt to perpetuate ourselves beyond death.

A world without God is a painfully dismal place. Our life is a narrative best categorized as a tragedy. Or more accurately a tragic comedy. For all human effort and dreams are mere vanity. A foolish attempt to capture the wind in a jar. Such is a world without God.


Love and Marriage go together like...

A couple of weeks ago while eating breakfast with my wife and grandson, I noticed a man wearing a t-shirt with a special message. That message was "I heart my wife" in large letters across the chest. In smaller letters underneath it continued, "because God loved me." While I am not necessarily fond of Christian slogans and Christian bookstore novelty items/trinkets, this shirt caught my attention. I immediately admired the man and his message. I didn't stop and talk with him and so I don't know him and I probably never will. But I think I know a few things about him:

1)This guy loves his wife, and he wants his wife to know it and feel loved.
2)This guy loves his wife and he wants his children to know it and feel secure.
3)This guy believes in marriage commitment and is inviting all readers to hold him accountable.
4)This guy believes in marriage commitment (and vows!) in a culture that has devalued marriage in many ways (e.g. ignoring, redefining, and easily dissolving).
5)This guy has his priorities straight (wife before sports teams, vacation spots, hobbies, political causes, or sarcastic messages which are the usual t-shirt slogans).
6)This guy has a high view/standard of love (Divine, inner-Trinitarian, active commitment love not the fluffy and feathery emotional bed that you might fall into).
7)This guy has an appropriate view of himself and his ability to love.
8)This guy has a gospel which both energizes and directs his personal affections.

I probably won't be wearing this t-shirt in the future. But, I will be striving to follow his example and to live his values.


Self Reminders

I have spent most of my life reading, talking, debating, and theorizing on theological topics. The focus has often been on controversial subjects: eschatology (Pre-trib vs. Post Trib), sovereignty in salvation (Calvinism vs. Arminianism), covenant framework of redemptive history (dispensationalism vs. covenant theology), apologetic framework (evidentialism vs. pre-suppositionalism), eschatology (a-mil vs. post Mil), biblical ethics (dispensational vs. reformed vs. prog dispensationalism), baptism (believers exclusively vs. believers and their children), church government (independent vs. presbyterian), miraculous spiritual gifts (cessationist vs. continuationist), and the age of the earth (old earth vs. new earth). It has been easy to get caught up in these topics. Search for meaning in order to choose a position. Read and discuss at length and miss the true value of theological inquiry. The focus can become on adopting and defending a position at any cost. It can become about being right…not righteous.

Below I have listed a few self-reminders about theological study that have been helpful to me:

1)The goal of all theological study is knowing God through his son Jesus Christ. The goal is not personal prestige, academic notoriety, ministerial effectiveness, or renowned debating prowess. If I study the scripture and miss Jesus, I miss the eternal life that I desperately need (e.g. NT Pharisees; Duke Professor Bart Ehrman). I am just another practical atheist with an interesting hobby.

2)The essential result of all theological study is personal change. I am fooling myself if I think that my understanding without my repentance is God pleasing. Again I have missed the point.

3)The true agent of my understanding is the Holy Spirit. I will not come to know God or master his revelation with a spirit of autonomy, independence, and self confidence. True understanding will only come to one with a humble, dependant, and teachable spirit.

4)The means of theological study are persistent, prayerful, and systematic hard work in the scriptures. It is not the studies that I begin and that quickly stall, but the studies that I begin and persist through to completion that are beneficial. In my reading of other writers I must not get too far from the scriptures.

5)The necessary context for theological study is within the community of faith: The Church. Theological study is best carried out within the guardrails of the church’s documents and fellowship. Mutual accountability helps us avoid self-deception, extremism, and theological novelties. It keeps us in the real world.


Atheism - The Unlivable Worldview

Atheists are unable to live as if their worldview were true. According to dictionary.com, worldview isdefined as, “The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world.” The atheistic worldview provides no basis for objective human value, objective morality, objective purpose, objective meaning, or rationality. Therefore, rather than living as if what they profess to believe were in fact true; atheists are forced to borrow from worldviews other than their own to live their daily lives.

There is no basis for human value within the atheistic worldview. The clear implications of the atheistic worldview are that humanity is a mere accident with no special significance over any other organism. We were not intended by any supernatural force, but are simply the result of time and chance working within the laws of nature. This means we are a collection of atoms, of no more ultimate significance than those that make up other organisms or even inorganic objects. Within the philosophy of science, this is known as the Mediocrity Principle. It states, “There is nothing special about humans or the earth.” Given this, why would the collection of atoms that make up the bodies of humans have any value greater than that of other organisms? It is necessary at this point to make clear the difference between objective value and subjective value. Objective value is value that exists as part of reality and is true regardless of the opinions of any individual or group. Subjective value is value that originates from within. Subjective value varies from person to person and from culture to culture. Attempting to derive objective value from subjective value is a very common mistake. It is essentially stating that humans have value because we value ourselves. This is circular reasoning. It must first be demonstrated that humans have real objective value before their judgments could be considered sufficient to impart value on themselves. If we occupy no special place in the cosmos and are merely a result of time and chance, then our opinions of ourselves have no effect on objective reality. Add to this the fact that the vast impersonal universe is absolutely indifferent to our existence and we are left with the inescapable fact that the atheistic worldview provides no basis for human value. Now, do most atheists live as if humans had no objective value? Of course they don’t. They condemn the atrocities of the Nazi’s. When the Germans were put on trial in Nuremburg, they defended themselves by saying that, within Germany, what they did was legal. The prosecutors responded by appealing to a law that was above their law. An objectively true law that was independent of individual or cultural opinion. Nearly all atheists would agree with the prosecutors, but why? As we just saw, their worldview undermines the case made by the prosecution. The reason they agree with the prosecution is that, as was stated earlier the atheist borrows from other worldviews to provide the framework to live their daily lives. This inconsistency is just as clear in the realm of morality.

The atheistic worldview provides no basis for objective morality. If the atheistic worldview were true, all notions of good and bad or right and wrong would be illusory. These are value judgments. Value judgments, in order to be objectively true, require an objective standard against which to measure. Atheism provides no such standard. Take, for instance, a galaxy from the hundreds of billions that make up the universe. It is a collection of stars and, more fundamentally, a collection of atoms. It was not intended by any supernatural force, but instead, is the result of time and chance working within the laws of nature. Does it make sense to invoke value judgments with regard to this galaxy? Do we have any basis from which to make the value judgment that this galaxy is good or bad? Of course we don’t. Like us, it is only a momentary arrangement of matter that is destined for destruction. Left without an objective standard with which to judge one galaxy to be better than another, all value judgments regarding galaxies become arbitrary and meaningless. Again, the atheist is left with only one possible source for objective morality, and that is humanity itself. This fails for the same reason deriving objective human value from humans did. Again, the vast majority of atheists are unable to live as if this were true. They live their lives making moral pronouncements that they are certain are more than mere opinion. Most would agree with the verdict handed down at Nuremburg and the reason the prosecutors gave for the conviction. But given the athiestic worldview, on what basis do they think they can make moral claims that are objectively true? By what standard? Wouldn't it be the height of arrogance to believe that our personal judgment is the source of the objective morality that is binding on all people? Of course it would. But beyond being arrogant, it is a downright nonsensical notion. It is nonsensical because, just like the galaxies, there is no certain way that we were intended to be. The universe doesn’t value us and it makes no difference if we value ourselves. So how from this non-value, can objective moral value be derived? It can't. Our moral pronouncements are meaningless syllables coming from insignificant specks in a meaningless universe. And no matter how many of these specks you add together in a collective (0xN=0), you cannot create a source from which objective morality could be based. It is impossible to be immoral in an indifferent universe. Having eliminated any illusion of human value or objective morality within the atheistic worldview, let’s now consider if there is any real purpose that can be found in the lives we live on this tiny blue speck in the cosmic abyss.

To answer this question we have to keep it in the context of the entire human race. Many will be tempted to appeal to some purpose their life is serving in relation to the activities of others. However, if humanity as a whole is serving no ultimate purpose, than any relative purpose within the activities of humans would, just like the activities of the whole, be an exercise in futility. If our existence was not intended and there is no purpose we were created to fulfill, then any purpose we attribute to our lives is an illusion. It is only relative purpose; purpose in relation to the rest of humanity, which collectively remains cosmically insignificant and serves absolutely no ultimate purpose. Again, atheists do not live as if their worldview was true and all the activities that fill their life were absolutely futile. They are passionate about work. They have a real feeling of accomplishment when some goal is reached. They have a real sense of purpose, but it is only because they do not face the implications of the worldview they profess to believe. Having fulfilled no ultimate purpose with the lives we live individually or collectively as humans, is there any objective meaning to our lives? In the next section, it will be shown that the atheist is left with only one answer. No.

Science has now conclusively proven that the fate of the universe is sealed. The universe is expanding at such a rate that gravity will not be able to overcome it. The expansion will in fact, continue to accelerate. As this happens, the universe will burn through all the available fuel and go completely dark. It is now wildly believed that due to dark energy, the universe will go through a process called the "big rip". When this happens, even the cold dark chunks of matter that remain will be pulled apart at the sub atomic level. Nothing will survive this. All memory and record of every event that ever happened in this cosmos will be permanently erased, as if it had never happened. What would be the difference if it never really had? This is the fate, not just of mankind, but of the entire universe. Nothing survives and there is no one around to care. It’s as if the universe is a hard drive that, in the end, gets formatted and forgotten. What would it matter if there had never been any information on the hard drive to begin with? The histories of all the galaxies will be erased and ultimately meaningless and, even more so, the purposeless lives of the valueless specks residing on a tiny dot in a miniscule solar system located within an average galaxy among billions. Again, most atheists believe and live as if the lives they were living were meaningful. It definitely isn’t because their worldview provides them with any basis for such a notion. Throughout this paper we have merely been considering the clear and inescapable logical conclusions that follow from the premises put forward by atheism. It is impossible to escape these conclusions without abandoning rationality; which brings us to our finale point.

Why, within atheism, would we have faith that the information conveyed to us by our senses was consistent with the way the universe really is? We would only know that the information conveyed was beneficial for survival. But an even deeper question that atheism fails to answer is, where do the immaterial laws of logic, such as the law of non contradiction, originate and how can we be sure of their validity? With absolutely no reason provided by their own worldview, nearly every atheist, by faith, accepts the information their senses are feeding them and processes that data using the immaterial laws of logic. They correctly hold irrationality in contempt, but they do so in complete opposition to their own worldview. Only a worldview in which humans were intended to have the capacity to discern truth and process that truth using immaterial laws of logic that exist independent of the natural world, would rationality be possible. It has been clearly shown in this paper that the worldview of atheism does not provide the people who profess to believe it a framework by which they can live their lives. It denies them the things that are most necessary to human life. It denies the children they love so deeply are of any real value. It denies the difference they perceive between Hitler and their grandmother is of any objective significance. It tells them each and every accomplishment they may achieve, no matter how significant it may seem, is utterly futile and will have no effect whatsoever on the ultimate fate of the universe. When they stare into the night sky and consider the cosmos as a whole, it tells them that all of it, every galaxy, every atom, and all the actions taken by all the atoms, are completely meaningless. And as if to add insult to injury, they are denied even the hope of rationality. When all this is considered, it shouldn’t be surprising that very few atheists face the logical conclusions of their worldview and live by them. What is surprising is that they would stubbornly cling to such a bankrupt worldview; one that is completely incapable of accounting for the way they know in their hearts the world to be.


James White in Kansas!

I don't recommend going to the Sunday morning service because your presence at your local church is far more important than any speaker who's in the area, but I WILL be going Monday and Tuesday.


No, Mr. President!


Current Reading

I am about half way through Josh Harris' new book. It is a an excellent and accessible introduction to theology and the christian life told within the context of his life and experience. Josh is an accomplished writer and a pastor of Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, MD.

One notable quote: " ...if you want to feel deeply, you have to think deeply. Too often we seperate the two...But emotion built on emotion is empty. True emotion--emotion that is reliable and doesn't lead us astray-- is always a response to reality, to truth. It's only as we study and consider truth about Jesus with our minds that our hearts will be moved by the depth of his greatness and love or us."

This is a good book filled with links between right thinking and both right feeling and right doing. I highly recommend this book as I do all Josh's books.


A Good Day

I went to a funeral today. And it was a good day. At the funeral, we celebrated a saint who has entered into glory and a life simply lived for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a somewhat unusual detail to this woman's death. She committed suicide. The rich grace of God was preached by the pastor who spoke. He used a great example of why we should expect to see this saint again. His reasoning was that if he were to drive out of the funeral home and get hit by a car and die while having a sinful thought, he would not lose his salvation because his salvation was not based on his actions in the first place. The gift of God is eternal life. Eternal life based on Christ's performance in a sinless life and His sacrificial substitutionary atonement. It was so good to hear this truth preached in front of an open casket. We will see her again. Praise be to God for his grace given to sinful men and woman.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10


An Active Rebellion

I've recently been musing (that's an old word for 'thinking', the opposite of amusement) on the size of our solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, and the whole universe in general. All the time, I cannot get the words of David out of my head:
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? (Palsm 8:3,4)
I heard an astronomer say something very insightful. What he said was an example of a creature passionately hating the Creator. A pot shaking his fist at the Potter. Astronomer Robert Jastrow sais this:
Just as I can't believe that there was a creator, I can't believe this all happened by chance, which implies there was a creator. So, you see, I'm in a completely hopeless bind, and I stay there. It makes me uneasy. I feel I'm missing something but I will not find out what I'm missing within my lifetime.
This man is not dumb, he is in rebellion. He is not ignorant of God, he hates God. When he looks through the telescopes to see the heavens, he suppresses the truth in unrighteousness. What can be known about God is plain to him. In the very objects Mr. Jastrow sees through the lenses, God has made his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, clear to this mans perception. He is without excuse. He neither honors God as just that, God, nor does he give God thanks. Claiming to be wise, Robert Jastrow has become a fool and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the glory of magnified balls of gas. He worships and and serves the creature rather than the Creator. And through all of this, the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against his ungodliness and unrighteousness.

So, I give thanks to God, through Christ, for making the riches of his glory known to me, a speck in space. There is only one difference between me and Robert Jastrow and it's not a moral decision to follow Jesus, it is a five letter word called GRACE. And it's by grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone, in Scripture alone, for the glory of God alone, that the Gospel of God's free grace has saved me, a wretched sinner on a very small planet in a extremely small galaxy in an exceedingly tiny universe, all created by a triune God, who is blessed forever! Amen.


Old, Stable, and Reformed #3

In the last article I said that the most fundamental issue in our discussion about the gospel is the issue of authority. The complete and exhaustive authority of the Bible in our study is of critical importance. That is, we must be completely submissive to the Word in all things. If, in the study of any issue, we leave the umbrella of submission to God’s Word (whether intellectual or otherwise), we revert to our natural and comfortable rebelliousness. Intellectual rebellion is sin, too!

Foundational accuracy is especially important because we are prone to rebellious, self deceived error. We cannot trust our own judgment on any issue. We certainly cannot trust our judgment on such a serious issue as the gospel. In our natural state we are dead in our sin, insensitive to Spiritual realities, deaf to God’s Word, convinced that we know truth apart from God, and actively opposed to God’s Kingdom and authority. We were lost, sick, and dead while thinking we were healthy, morally good, and justified in our rejection of God’s revelation.

Our salvation comes to us through the Word of God. The Spirit uses the Word to convince us of our sin, its heinousness to God, and its consequences. The Spirit then uses the Word to display Jesus Christ to us as the answer to our sin problem. We are convinced of his loveliness, the sufficiency of His work, and the availability of His grace and mercy. The Spirit changes our heart and mind by the Word. The Word is the instrument by which a heart of stone is transformed into a heart of flesh. We throw off our rebellious God-less-ness and submissively embrace His offers of grace and mercy. We repent and believe the Word. The Word is now our guide and authority. Any rejection or diversion from this foundational principle is a return to our own autonomy and a rejection of the authority of Christ. We grow in holiness as our minds are transformed and renewed by the Spirit’s application of the Word of God.

Our gospel (definition and dispersion) must be God’s gospel. God’s gospel is the gospel that is given in God’s Word. If the message given is not God’s gospel, it is a lie. And those who tell lies are called….

The Prince on Infallibility

"Everybody believes in infallibility somewhere. A Romanist believes in an infallible
Pope, and a great philosopher believes in his infallible self; he knows that he is right. I believe in this infallible Book, and in the infallible God; and I ask any of you, who are troubled, and worried, and tossed to and fro because of what some heretic or skeptic has said, to “walk in the light of the Lord,” and to be perfectly satisfied as to the revelation he has given us in his Word."- C.H. Spurgeon


Crazy Busy

I have been spending all my free time studying algebra. Memorizing things like the quadratic formula (pictured above) in an effort to test out of a college math class. I am starting out as a freshman in a couple weeks. A freshman at the age of 33... better late than never I suppose.

On top of all this I have a hot project (see pics below) berating down my neck (as always). So I have been contending with those deadlines also. Hopefully I will be back in my normal state of controllable chaos after this week and I will be able to post some of the ideas that have been bouncing abound in my brain.