
The Road to Serfdom

Below is a very rough sketch of how entire societies have been led into the abyss of fascism and the statist authoritarianism of command economies. History shows that any time this is allowed to happen it always ends in bread lines, gulags, concentration camps and killing fields. The road to these terrible outcomes is always paved with good intentions and the way down the slippery slope it greased by altruistic utopian rhetoric.

Replace the word “War” in step one below with say “global warming” and you can see how we are at a precipice that if crossed would almost certainly, like every example history has shown us, end in one or more of the afore mentioned outcomes. I fear we may have crossed that precipice sometime back but maybe there is still time to fight against the tide and limit the suffering that our children and grandchildren would have to endure if the collectivists are once again allowed to destroy a country.

I would rewrite step one in the following way. Global Warming forces "national planning". To avoid  the cataclysmic effects of climate change, you gladly surrender many freedoms.You know that we have to convert to a "green" economy.

You can use your own imagination to see how the other steps might fit into what we are currently watching unfold.

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